I like to platy lots and lots of Mario games. I usually like to play the Mario kart games but WE only have like three of them (Mario kart DS, Super Mario kart, Mario kart Wii and Mario kart eight deluxe). Mario kart DS is fun because it’s easier to knock someone off the track. Mario kart Wii is fun because of all the…, there’s so many possibilities! Super Mario kart is just the first one and we can play it on the switch. Mario kart eight deluxe is fun because it has anti gravity.


Today we had really strong wind at recess time. The win was so big that the tree leaves were going crazy and one even hit my face! It was a terrible time but some people like to play “catch a leaf” when it happens. How you play is how you imagine it, you try to catch a leaf. That’s it. Some people would freak out and scream but most people stayed calm.


It’s a series of games from Nintendo and they make a new one for every console they make. I DID talk about this before. I talked about Mario kart DS, Mario kart Wii and Mario kart eight deluxe. I like Mario kart Wii the best because it just is MORE fun than other ones. Yes, Mario kart eight deluxe IS better quality but it’s not THAT fun. For example, there is NO inside drift in Mario kart eight deluxe. It’s just outside drift.


I love that sound affect in new super Mario bros. It’s like when your running to the right and then the background music goes bum bum babababa. Then the koopa troopas do a little dance to it. they sway their arms to the left and to the right. Then they move their feet at the same time to make their dance move. I don’t know if any other obstacles dance to the music in super Mario run games though.


I like eating garlic bread. I order garlic bread when I go to Ikea, but the absolute best type of garlic bread is… my mom’s homemade garlic bread! I am really excited because my family and I are gonna eat that for lunch today, but that does mean that everyone has to get up in order to eat it together. We can only eat it together on the weekends or on the days I don’t go to school.


I like to drink chocolate milk. I like it because it has more flavour then normal milk and it’s flavour POPS out more than strawberry milk that I like the second most. I like chocolate milk and I like it because it tastes better than normal chocolate because normal chocolate is too sweet but chocolate milk WAY BETTER.


Do you like food? I know I do and today I will type about different types of food. I like to eat noodles and meat but I don not like to eat veggies.

First off let’s talk about carbs. Well they are in a lot of stuff we eat daily. like I think… it’s in bread and some other stuff.

Second topic: MEAT. I like to eat all kinds of meat, beef, pork, mutton (maybe I haven’t eaten mutton.) and chicken. I think I’m to crazy about meat.

Last topic: VEGGIES. Terrible food. I will not recommend this food type.


Man do I hate the youtubers who bully the youtuber I like the most. I just think that it’s sort of wrong. You know how friends do stuff together all the time and have fun but that youtuber and his youtuber friends are bullying him. I just think that’s downright rude! I mean maybe they do it for the content but I don’t think so.


Well my mom and I actually finished putting all the pieces of the five hundred piece puzzle today. We put the sky together today and put together the other stuff like buildings and plants together yesterday. My sister Gloria helped with the part of buildings and plants and I did that too and some sky. I’m really proud of myself. We may or may not glue the pieces together because it’s already put together pretty well.


My mom and I started a new puzzle to do. We did a the parts that are not the sky (aka, blue areas) and we only left the sky (aka, blue areas) for tomorrow. Why the topic is called Puzzle 500 in because we started a five hundred piece puzzle. I think it’s still pretty hard as a five hundred piece puzzle. my mom thought that there were two small red dots but I looked at it and said that they were actually humans.