I took a walk yesterday and I’m gonna write all about it (mostly the interesting stuff). I was supposed to write yesterday but I was too tired.
Anyway, at the start Grace and I were on the SkyTrain going to a place to take a walk. We took a wrong exit and we ended up seeing a weird parade. Anyway, Then we went to the “Vancouver Art Gallery”. and looked at art. The images of art are below.

There are some plates and really big bowls that I like. There are also some vases there on the second floor.
This is a tree Grace and I were looking at before we were meeting Gloria outside.

This photo is white because I was so close to it that it turned white. It was originally black.
This is a really cool artificial tree. After we took a walk and met with Gloria and we bought some bubble tea. I got strawberry with pearls and Grace got something with grass jelly, and Gloria got something with pearls.
After that I went home and my legs were so sore, you can’t imagine the pain! I ate dinner and watched the first episode of Loki.