I’m actually sorta sick right now. I think it started on Monday. I have to drink medicine [which I don’t like] and I have to sleep earlier [which I also don’t like]. I am felling really okay at school, not coughing and sneezing. I don’t like being sick at all.


I like to play games. What type of games you ask? I like to play learning games and board games. The math learning games is my favorite one tho. In my house I have a lot of board games. I have, Sorry. Monopoly, Blockus and lots more. My favorite one is Life, which I did not mention.


I’m not sure if British Colombia gets an early spring or six more weeks of winter. I think we would get six more weeks of winter this year again. I think that because I saw one groundhog see its shadow and the other one did not, and I think it’s a higher possibility that there is six weeks of winter this year again.