I did math at school today, just like we always do. I finished my math so I had to play math games, but first I had to explain the job to my classmate. I played fraction bingo and a game that you flip cards and try to find the same fraction foour times in three different ways.


Yep, me. Just all about me. I like to play video games and board games. I like to eat food and I like to watch videos on Youtube. I hate mushrooms and vegetables. I don’t like to take a nap in the daytime and  I don’t like to be bored.


You know what I find fun? I find reading and playing games fun. I find reading fun because there is a story that is interesting being told. Playing is fun to me because… well it’s obvious, because kids like to play games. I play many different games. I play video games that you have to drive, building games and sport games for fun.